Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee[洋書]

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■English■J. Steven Wilkins ほか■CUMBERLAND HOUSE PUB■Hardcover■1997年■38%OFFこの著者の新着メールを登録する発行年:1997年登録情報タイトル:Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee[洋書]:CALL OF DUTY(Leaders in Action)サイズ:Hardcoverページ数:332言語:EnglishISBN:9781888952230Although the Civil War was the bitterest epoch of American experience--dividing families, sundering communities, and enforcing fierce regional enmity--Robert E. Lee was admired and respected by partisans from both sides. "Call of Duty" examines the attributes of the life and service that enabled Lee to transcend the passions of the moment to become a model of leadership for all time.この商品の関連ジャンルです。洋書 > Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸)> Biography & Autobiography

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